Magnifying lens from the quality brand Rodenstock for the highest demands.
The apochromatic correction (Apo) is particularly advantageous for color enlargements, but it also enables excellent sharpness right into the corners of the image in the black and white laboratory. Excellent results are possible with just one stop down, which enables an effectively higher light output when enlarging.
The aperture scale is also illuminated in red light for better readability. The aperture values can be set either in click-locking half-steps or continuously.
Using a locking ring, an aperture value can be preselected and locked so that you can quickly switch back and forth between the open aperture and the working aperture.
Focal length: 105mm
Light intensity: 4.0
Screw thread: M 39
lenses: 7
max. film format: 6 x 9cm
filter thread: 40.5 mm
information on product safety
Qioptiq Photonics GmbH & Co. KG
Königsallee 23
37081 Göttingen